Laymen For Religious Liberty Ministries

“The best edition of The Great Controversy the world will ever see.” That’s been my prayer.

By David Mould: Updated Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

A Time To Dance? Preview
I Feel Like Bombing A Church - Introduction
I Feel Like Bombing A Church - Part 1: Prepare to Meet Thy God.
Religious Hardtalk Promo #1
Religious Hardtalk Promo #2
Where Jonathan Would Have Gone ...
The Search For The Perfect Photographs
Donald Trump & The Great Controversy Part 1
Donald Trump & The Great Controversy Part 2
Donald Trump & The Great Controversy Part 3
Donald Trump & The Great Controversy. Part 4: Holy Extravagance
Sun-worship, Roman Catholicism & The Great Controversy
This Isn't your Grandmother's Great Controversy
Let's Go Fishing
Adventist Crime Scenes. Part 4: Ted Wilson - Up Against Devils!
Should Ted Wilson Be Impeached? Part 3 of 8: The Jesuits.

Story Highlights

Hated from the beginning, The Great Controversy is still being suppressed.

Islam’s teeming billions – ripe for the prophetic gift?

It’s been a hated book from the beginning.  Case in point? 1899. Mrs. Ellen G. White (author of The Great Controversy) accuses the publishing house of “fraud” for keeping her book on the shelf instead of releasing it to the public.

  • “Fraud.”
  • “Dead in the office.”
  • “Shut away from the people.”

These are her words (Publishing Ministry, page 237).

Why suppress her book?  From the beginning it was too hot – too controversial for some, “too insulting to Roman Catholics,” for others. 

As for her ominous prophecies about America (especially her interpretation of the biblical symbols: the beast, his image, and his mark)? Viewed with incredulity in the 19th century, those prophecies are held up to ridicule by her critics to this day. Protestants and Catholics combining in America to persecute Sabbath-keepers? "Madness," they say.

You didn’t know these things?  Then there’s probably a lot more you don’t know. 

Friend, with: (i) Bible prophecy being fulfilled under our noses; (ii) the bleating of the lamb being drowned out now by the transformative roar of the dragon, just as predicted (see Revelation 13:11); yea, with (iii) the rule of law being threatened in America by what some see as a fascism that could be but a few months away ... it’s simply too late in the day to hold anything back now.  

The simple fact is that today The Great Controversy is still an embarrassment to powerful forces in the church – forces committed to an ecumenism that would virtually strip the church of its identity and identifying messages. 

It’s so much of an embarrassment that they’ve come up with a counterfeit! 

A counterfeit?


The Counterfeit

Q1.   What do you think The Great Hope is?

Q2.   Why do you think the leadership of the church has
        stripped that book of everything that would identify
        Roman Catholicism as the antichrist power – and then, to
        boot, given it the utterly misleading subtitle: “The Official
        Sharing Edition of The Great Controversy?”

A.   I'll tell you why. The leadership is totally afraid!
        Compromised. Infiltrated. Cowering in fear before the
        man of sin, their entire purpose is to deceive. 

  • Deceive, first, the laity, into thinking that the church really wants to distribute The Great Controversy

  • Deceive, next, those not of our faith, into thinking the church has changed, softened its stance, officially abandoned the prophetic gift.  
Related Video: Congress, The Pope, & The (New, Illustrated) Great Controversy

TIME Magazine

My passion for this book has only grown over 40 years of repeated reading – cover to cover, over 30 times! Unable to understand (or stomach) the church’s fear of advertising this book, in 1990 our ministry took it upon itself to do two things:

Sparking Controversy

Our advertising thrust took the form of a six-page ad in the pages of the most widely read newsweekly in America, Time Magazine. That was on July 9th, 1990.   Panicking, the leadership did all they could to block it. 

(Interestingly, we’ve still got a few of these magazines left and have begun making them available to those who donate $100.00 or more to our current efforts). 

As for the book itself?  The (New, illustrated) Great Controversy – that’s what we named it.  With over 450 photographs inside, it was the talk of the town and set the standard for polish, for class, for readability. 

Today we’re making it better.  Far from abandoning the photographs in the old edition, we’re enhancing them with newer, higher resolution shots that can be expanded across two 8 1/2 X 11 inch pages without becoming pixelated. 

Bigger pages.  Bigger photographs.  You can catch a glimpse in the slideshow below, and in the video: This Isn’t Your Grandmother’s Great Controversy. 

Click Here for Slideshow



But producing this book is only half of the challenge.  The other is marketing. 

Q.    How do we introduce The Great Controversy to the world without getting entire         communities angry at us for flooding their mailboxes with unsolicited religious         literature?

A.    As in 1990, I believe the answer lies in one word – advertising!    

I believe there's enough creativity in the church (Holy Ghost inspired creativity) for us to come up with a marketing campaign that will leave the world: Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, Protestant, Jew, Gentile, atheist – and Moslem – clamoring for this book.  Drooling for this book.  Demanding it.  Anxious to read it. 

Yes, Islam too!

Yes it is. 

Knowing the fulfillment of the prophecies in The Great Controversy have the potential of winning millions of Moslems and non-Moslems to Christ, then the longer we withhold these truths from them, are we not the more guilty before God?

Are we not skating on very thin ice?

Ditch the fear.   Toss the excuses.  Expel the devils who’ve put a gun to Ted Wilson’s head. 

Who's got the gun?


Who's got the gun at Elder Wilson's head?

Sit back.  Take a deep breath.  God knows I love Elder Wilson, but I’m opening my mouth today.  Here’s what’s happening to that book – now!

In 2011 our General Conference President, Ted Wilson, raised over $30,000 from the workers at the General Conference for the purpose of mailing a paperback version of The Great Controversy to every home in zip code 20901 (that's the Silver Spring, Maryland, zip code, where the General conference is located).  

In spite of having raised those funds, however, for four solid years he simply couldn’t get those books shipped.  In the end it was a layman, Jack Henderson, who independently raised the necessary funds and succeeded in shipping the required number of books to every home and business in that zip code.  

  • Why couldn't Elder Wilson ship them? 
  • What committee tied his hands?

You’d have to ask him.  I doubt he'll tell you though, for he'll probably see opening his mouth as disloyalty to the church and disloyalty to the committees to which he is, tragically, beholden.

As for me?  I have no such muzzle on my lips.  I am a Seventh-day Adventist layman and have been for 44 years.  Knowing a bit about what’s going on behind the scenes with regard to this book, how can I keep quiet? 

I said: how can I keep quiet now?     

Put the Holy Ghost in charge of our advertising campaigns and the world will want this book.  They'll buy it.  By the millions.  Yes, Islam too!

Today our vision for The Great Controversy is spelled out in the three videos above: 

If you’d like a copy of what we expect the first two chapters to look like, then fill out the form requesting it and make your donation.  That’s all you have to do.  If you’d like to help us publish and advertise this book without receiving these two chapters, then go to the same page, bypass the form and click donate.  If you’re looking for a project in which to invest, you just found it. 

May God bless you as you view these videos and as you pray about what you see.  

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