
September 19th, 2012

Why could the death of ambassador Christopher Stevens sound the death-knell for The Great Controversy? It’s really not that complicated. In fact, Satan and his agents couldn’t have written a better script.

  • Produce a blasphemous movie about Islam.
  • Advertise it on YouTube.
  • Have agents in place ready to organize protest rallies across the Moslem world.
  • Kill a U.S. ambassador in the process.
  • Give these protests wall-to-wall coverage in the media.

Q.            That done, what has the devil unleashed?
A.             A laser guided missile headed straight for the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

If you listen to the opening sound-bite on the introduction to our new 3-CD set, Time For The Loud Cry, you’ll hear Liberty Magazine editor Lincoln Steed express his conviction that the days of The Great Controversy are “numbered” as far as open distribution is concerned. What did he mean? We discuss this openly. He and I both see where hate laws are going – i.e., straight to the heart of the United States Constitution. What neither of us might have seen as we were conducting this interview is just how soon it would happen. To his credit though, Elder Steed did state that the time left for open distribution of The Great Controversy was probably no more than “a very few years, at most.”

Predictably, the Moslem backlash to this movie has already produced calls for laws prohibiting anything that can be construed as insulting to religious faiths. On September 17th, Khalid Amayreh, whom the Associated Press termed “a prominent Islamist commentator and blogger in Hebron on the West Bank” wrote: “Yes, we understand the First Amendment and all of this stuff, but you must also understand that the Prophet (for us) is a million times more sacred than the American Constitution.” A day earlier CNN reported the following: “The issue has provided political fodder for Islamist leaders including Hassan Nasrallah, the head of Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, who had urged people to protest Monday against the film. Speaking to a largely peaceful crowd in Beirut, some of them waving the yellow flag of Hezbollah, Nasrallah asked the protesters and, in fact, all Muslims worldwide to push for laws to criminalize “insulting monotheistic faiths and their great prophets, from Abraham to Moses to Jesus and Mohammed.”

How far will these calls go? Though initiated ostensibly in the Moslem world, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see these calls adding to the pressure for yet another exception to Free Speech here in the United States – and possibly to a full blown Constitutional Convention as well, one tasked with the challenge of settling, among other things: (i) a woman’s right to an abortion, (ii) the legality of same-sex-marriage, (iii) the right to bear arms, and – most importantly, as far as today’s discussion is concerned – (iv) whether speech that offends a particular religious faith can continue to be protected by the U.S. Constitution. Waiting to play their role in any such convention? The 6 duly appointed Roman Catholic justices currently seated at the Supreme Court.

As for the Moslem protesters targeting U.S. embassies? In my opinion these are unwitting pawns in Satan’s desperate attempt to outlaw any book, film, or speech that would dredge up the blood-curdling past and aberrant theological tenets of the power through which he intends uniting the world. Satan well knows that for the message of the Loud Cry to be effective, justifiable reasons must be given for God’s people still in Babylon to come out of her. At all costs, therefore, any information that would fuel this universal cry must be squelched.

But that’s not just Satan’s thinking, that’s Catholic thinking. Have you forgotten? In 1559 Pope Paul IV issued the Church’s first official list of prohibited publications. It was called the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (English: List of Prohibited Books). Revised over the years, the final (20th) edition appeared in 1948 and was formally abolished on 14 June 1966 by Pope Paul VI. Was The Great Controversy ever on that list? That would be such a great topic for someone to research. Whether it was or not, I’d bet serious money that thanks in large part to the critical photographs gracing this edition, The (New, Illustrated) Great Controversy is on the ‘unofficial’ Index today, along with any other book that would dare expose the Vatican’s insatiable blood-lust and purely pagan roots. Next in line: John Cornwell’s Hitler’s Pope. If it means shutting down YouTube and the internet, or calling for a Constitutional Convention in the U.S. to forever slam the door shut on such literature, Satan will do it. A veritable new Index – one with the force of law behind it! That’s his plan. That’s his goal. I’m sure of it.

It was Thomas Jefferson who wrote: “No experiment can be more interesting than that we are now trying, and which we trust will end in establishing the fact, that man may be governed by reason and truth. Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all the avenues to truth. The most effectual hitherto found, is the freedom of the press. It is, therefore, the first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their actions.  Thomas Jefferson to John Tyler, 1804. ME 11:33.

While Satan may be the mastermind behind the current Moslem protests, I wouldn’t be surprised if Vatican operatives themselves are: (i) on the streets of Libya, Egypt, Yemen, et al, stoking the fires, coordinating the protests, and (ii) in the media outlets of the world, pouring doubt (and reproach, where possible) on the sanctity of Free Speech. Why would I say this? Because there’s a history of Catholic operatives being on the ground in the Middle East. Almost two decades ago, for example, CNN reported that a significant number of PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s top advisors were in fact Roman Catholic. If that isn’t sufficient, let me give you 3 additional reasons.

  1. Whose interests do the protests serve?

    Have we forgotten the Vatican’s stated positions with regard to the Constitution of the United States? Did not her 19th century popes routinely blast this most cherished document? In Peter De Rosa’s Vicars of Christ, page 146, we find the following: “Gregory XVI, in Mirari Vos of August 1832, described liberty of conscience as a mad opinion. Religious liberty was said to flow from ‘the most fetid fount of indifferentism’. He condemned freedoms of worship, the press, assembly and education as a filthy sewer full of ‘heretical vomit.’” On December 8th, 1864, in the Syllabus of Errors issued by Lincoln’s contemporary, Pope Pius IX, these same freedoms are consistently condemned. Like it or not, and in spite of her professions to the contrary, the Vatican hates these freedoms and remains the most deadly foe to the Constitution of the United States – that’s the first reason why I suspect her agents are behind the current Moslem unrest.

  2. The Vatican’s goal for world dominion.

    Years ago while listening to a talk-show, I heard Roman Catholic ‘Father’ Malachi Martin declare that without the Pope’s blessing, he never could have released his blockbuster book: The Keys of This Blood. Its thesis? Never mind that the other two competitors, the Soviet Union and the United States, were acknowledged military superpowers, the Roman Catholic Church fully intended winning the three-way global competition for control of our planet.

    Excuse me, but have you noticed only two of these powers are standing today? The Soviet Union is gone. And who’s taken credit for this? The Vatican hasn’t hesitated to trumpet her role as the U.S.’s staunchest ally in this process. As for the United States itself? With our economy reeling, is it safe to say we’re on shaky legs right now? Here’s how Martin described Pope John Paul II. He saw him as ―

"the head of the most extensive and deeply experienced of the three global powers that would, within a short time, set about ending the nation system of world politics that has defined human society for over 1,000 years."

End the nation system of world politics? Isn’t that in essence what Pope Benedict XVI called for in his 2009 encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, or Love in Truth? To ‘end the nation system of world politics,’ (Martin’s words) or, as Benedict put it in June 2009, to establish a ‘true world political authority,’ several things have to happen, among them the repudiation of the Constitution of the United States, the major document standing in the way of the Vatican’s claim to Universal Magistracy (i.e., the right to shape and execute the laws of the world). Here’s how Martin’s book opens:

“Willing or not, ready or not, we are all involved in an all-out, no-holds-barred, three-way global competition. Most of us are not competitors, however, we are the stakes. For the competition is about who will establish the first one-world system of government that has ever existed in the society of nations.”

Please note, this is a former papal advisor writing: someone who worked in the Vatican as an advisor to Pope Paul VI, who himself had been a confidant of Pope Pius XII, the World War II Pope. So steeped was Martin in papal tradition and Vatican politics that he could probably without stumbling have navigated the entire 365,000 square feet of St. Peter’s Basilica blindfolded. The point? He knew the Vatican inside out. He knew the goals, he knew the strategies, he knew the behind the scenes thinking and planning that rescued the Roman Catholic Church from seeming oblivion at the start of the 19th century and transformed her, instead, into a global power receiving ambassadors from over 100 countries today. When such a one speaks, beloved – especially about the Vatican and world dominion – it would be foolish not to listen.

During the aforementioned talk-show, I heard Martin utter a most profound truth: “the broader and more comprehensive the changes overtaking us, the less likely we are to see them.” While the goals of American Christian Fundamentalists were in your face in the 1980s, i.e., on the news and talk-shows and impossible to miss (see, for example, televangelist Pat Robertson’s speech given to the April, 1980 “Washington for Jesus” rally – “We have enough votes to run the country. And when the people say, ‘We've had enough,’ we are going to take over”) Martin implied the Vatican was being far more subtle with hers, being content to fly under the radar as long as was necessary. Which begs the question: is this what Rome is counting on, i.e., plans so broad, so deep, so vast, so well nigh impossible to conceive, that not once would they cross the average mind as part of anybody’s grand strategy for world dominion?

Could the unrest in the Islamic world today be part of the Vatican’s Grand Scheme to wipe out the legal framework of the lone superpower perceived to be in competition with her? Nor are these protests through. ABC News reports that a French magazine is set to publish several cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed today, September 19th, a move that is likely to further inflame Islam. “Depictions of the prophet are strictly prohibited and considered blasphemous by Muslims,” the report continued. “Cartoons of Muhammad published in Denmark in 2005 and then reproduced in newspapers across Europe triggered riots throughout the Mideast and Africa. Churches and embassies were torched and at least 100 people died in the outbreaks and police crackdowns.” Bottom line: there’s more to come.

If the anticipated spike in Moslem unrest helps to destroy the Bill of Rights of the United States, can whatever emerges from the ashes still be called America?

  1. The Vatican’s history of political intrigue and duplicity.

    Of this duplicity there is no better example than that found in Professor John Cornwell’s book, Hitler’s Pope, which details the extent to which, while appearing to be neutral, the Vatican actually schemed and planned and pulled the strings that led to the emergence of Adolf Hitler. Aside from the obvious, i.e., that the blood of the 60 million plus who perished in World War II is on her hands, what are the tacit admissions of Cornwell’s book? For one there’s semper eadem, always the same, i.e., Rome never changes. What books like Cornwell’s and James Carroll’s Constantine’s Sword do is provide the historical continuum that enables us to see the Holocaust (what one of Carroll’s book reviewers termed “the central tragedy of Western Civilization”) for what it was: i.e., a 20th century Crusade. In it the anti-Semitism that characterized the Roman Catholic Church for over 1,000 years was again on dreadful display, this time in the gas chambers of Treblinka, Dachau and Auschwitz. What other lessons does his book teach us? Awesome ones. Among them: the Roman Catholic Church knows how to strategize, infiltrate, deceive and wage war. She knows the power game. She knows how to sway the masses, manipulate the press and move vast sums of money (and large numbers of people) around. She also knows how to wait.

    Quoting author Josiah Strong, Ellen White put it this way:  “The pacific tone of Rome in the United States does not imply a change of heart. She is tolerant where she is helpless. Says Bishop O’Connor: ‘Religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic world” ….The Roman Church is far-reaching in her plans and modes of operation. She is employing every device to extend her influence and increase her power in preparation for a fierce and determined conflict to regain control of the world, to re-establish persecution, and to undo all that Protestantism has done.’” The Great Controversy, pages 565, 566.

    So who is John Cornwell, and why did he write his book? Challenged by a discussion with students about Pope Pius XII, Professor Cornwell approached the Vatican about writing a book that would exonerate the Pope from charges of culpability in the Holocaust. One website put the result this way: “Vatican officials, convinced he was on the Pope's side, threw open the Vatican's archives to his supposedly sympathetic eye. After studying Pius's personal papers and even sworn depositions relating to his possible canonization, however, Cornwell says he was in a ‘state of moral shock.’ He had discovered a completely new Pius, he says, a man no one else knew, a man who was ‘anti-Jewish,’ a ‘hypocrite’ culpably silent during World War II, and ‘an ideal Pope for the Nazis' Final Solution.’” The introduction to his book says as much.

In spite of the above, I well know that in some minds our suspicions of Vatican culpability in the current unrest in the Moslem world will remain just that – suspicions, not proof. The fact is, the only evidence to which we can point are the items we have already mentioned: (i) the Vatican’s relationship with the PLO, (ii) her statements about the Constitution of the United States, (iii) her global aspirations, and (iv) her cunning and duplicity. It would be a weak case indeed, however, if we omitted a study of the Jesuit penchant for disguise. In spite of CNN’s reports that many foreigners participated in the Libyan protests, few, I believe, even remotely suspect Vatican agents on the streets of Benghazi or Cairo, let alone in the making of the movie that precipitated the violence. All I’m attempting to bring forth today are the reasons why I consider their involvement plausible.

As far as the case for Vatican disguises is concerned, we cover this subject on the same set of CDs where we left Elder Steed (i.e., our new 3-CD set, Time For The Loud Cry, a sample of which you can listen to now). Among our sources for this subject: (i) John Adams’ underpublicized letter to Thomas Jefferson and (ii) Ellen White’s dream of an infiltrated Seventh-day Adventist Church. What we never included on these CDs, but which powerfully reinforces our case, is a prediction I’ll bring forth here – a prediction made in 1924 by former Roman Catholic Burke McCarthy in the book, The Suppressed Truth About The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln. If you can digest the fact that this prediction was made 17 years before Pearl Harbor, maybe, just maybe, you’ll begin to see what I mean when I tell you I suspect the hand of the Vatican in what’s going on in the protests taking place across the Moslem world today. 

“The next step in the Vatican’s Great Scheme is to make war between this country and Japan after the latter country has been placed under full dominance of the Jesuits. The priests, nuns and monks of the Roman Church have been pouring into Japan from all over the world now for many years with that purpose in view. The writer was told by a Christian Japanese minister in charge of a Protestant mission in Los Angeles in reply to the question as to why the Jesuits, who had been barred for years from Japan, had now been permitted to enter. He answered that the Roman Church had gotten into his country under the guise of Mohamedanism, and that after it was well entrenched threw off its disguise, and his country learned to its astonishment that it was to the Roman Church and its monastic orders it had opened its doors.” Page 12.

How’s that for the art of disguise? What a pity … what a pity this paragraph is so little known! But for the Spirit of God who chiseled it on my brain over three decades ago (as I researched the involvement of the Vatican in the Lincoln assassination) this paragraph, standing by itself on an obscure page in a century-old book that few even know exists, might have been destined for oblivion. Thanks to the internet, however – and the possibility of this entire page going viral – it won’t be now. When combined with one or two other gems from the world War II era, (Professor Cornwell's book, the memoirs of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the existence of the Ratlines, for example) this obscure paragraph suddenly has the inescapable weight of credibility behind it, credibility that transforms it into one of the most damning prophecies ever penned by mortal man.

If I were on my death-bed with one gift to bequeath to the world, it would be this paragraph. If I had the money to create an ad for the newspapers of the world, it would revolve around this paragraph. Can you imagine its impact on the Japanese? Can you imagine it's impact on the families of those who perished in the Pacific during World War II? Can you imagine its impact on the 1,000,000 plus visitors who make the pilgrimage to the USS Arizona Memorial on the island of O'ahu every year? Can you imagine its impact on America? Tell me this paragraph isn't fodder for the loud cry – I dare you!

Instead of focusing on Vatican agents on the streets of Libya or Egypt, as we have today, instead of raising the issue of what the ongoing wave of protests over this hitherto obscure movie could mean to The Great Controversy, maybe the question we should really be asking is a far more fundamental one – i.e., the one below:






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